The veterinary practice is located in the 8th district of Paris. We are open every weekday from 9 am to 7 pm, by appointment only. We provide complete care for your pet.
We guarantee our commitment to looking after your pets. We do everything we can to ensure the comfort and well-being of your pets during the care we provide. We take the time to explain the illnesses and care required for your animals.
Animal welfare
To offer animals and their owners top-quality care, while taking care to preserve the unique relationship between owner and pet in a friendly atmosphere and environment of well-being.
To offer our colleagues a professional partnership through the excellence of the services we provide, while maintaining a relationship of trust and respect for each other's business.
Comfort and a calm environment: We favour a gentle approach, taking the time needed to reduce stress during the appointment.
Quality customer experience :
We offer a personalised quality of service. The customer and patient experience are always at the heart of our priorities.
Personalised service: Our reputation is built on our customer-focused approach, our friendliness and, above all, the commitment of every member of the team to providing you with an exceptional, personalised service.
Le principal objectif de l’équipe est de vous recevoir dans les meilleures conditions. Le cabinet vétérinaire est entièrement équipé : laboratoire d’analyses, échographie et d’un bloc chirurgical avec monitoring et anesthésie gazeuse et d’un espace dédié à l’hospitalisation de jour.
Toute l’équipe vétérinaire de Madeleine Vet a à cœur de pouvoir soigner et soulager les douleurs de vos fidèles compagnons. L'ensemble du personnel s’engage dans un devoir d’information et de transparence des actes et porte la volonté de toujours soigner avec humanité.
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