Many skin conditions can result in partial or complete hair loss in different body parts. The dermatology consultation aims to determine the cause through relevant additional examinations. If hair loss is accompanied by itching , the objective is to identify the cause of the itching.
Genetic causes should be considered depending on the age when alopecia begins and the breed and coat colour. Alopecia usually progresses gradually over a few months, starting at a young age in the pet's life. Additional tests can aid in confirming the diagnosis. While a cure may not be achievable, there may be aesthetic and comfort improvement potential.
Dermatophytoses are skin conditions caused by filamentous fungi. They are very contagious, and simple contact can lead to transmission to another animal. Dermatophytoses are a group of dermatoses that can be transmitted to humans (zoonosis). As such, they should never be underestimated. In dogs, dermatophytoses have a more significant impact on certain breeds and hunting dogs. The diagnosis involves studying the pet's lifestyle and environment. Additionally, complementary examinations, such as Wood's light examination, trichography, and mycological culture, are necessary. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment lasts until the animal's infection completely disappears. Follow-up and a new mycological culture are essential to prevent relapses.
Endocrine dysfunction occurs when hormones are overproduced or underproduced, manifesting in symptoms such as hair loss (alopecia). Other general symptoms may also be present, and depending on the pet's age, breed, and non-cutaneous symptoms, thyroid or sex hormone dysfunction or hypercorticism may be suspected. Diagnosis is usually made through additional examinations, such as blood tests or ultrasounds, which can be conducted immediately or at a later time.
Le principal objectif de l’équipe est de vous recevoir dans les meilleures conditions. Le cabinet vétérinaire est entièrement équipé : laboratoire d’analyses, échographie et d’un bloc chirurgical avec monitoring et anesthésie gazeuse et d’un espace dédié à l’hospitalisation de jour.
Toute l’équipe vétérinaire de Madeleine Vet a à cœur de pouvoir soigner et soulager les douleurs de vos fidèles compagnons. L'ensemble du personnel s’engage dans un devoir d’information et de transparence des actes et porte la volonté de toujours soigner avec humanité.
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