Zoonoses are diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans and vice versa. Due to the close relationship between humans and their pets, these diseases can be significant. Fortunately, they are relatively rare and not usually very harmful, although individuals who are frail or have health issues may be more susceptible and may be affected more severely. For public health reasons, it's crucial to identify these diseases in animals and treat them effectively and promptly. Dermatophytosis is one of the most common skin diseases caused by fungi that typically infect animals but can also be transmitted to humans, usually through direct contact.
In veterinary dermatology consultations, early animal detection is crucial, which is achieved through appropriate and reliable tests, such as mycological culture. Referral to a doctor may be recommended, and advice on environmental treatment can help prevent the pathogen's spread in the household and environment. It's important to note that infected humans cannot transmit the pathogen to others. Some parasites, such as fleas, can cause skin lesions in people. When present in large quantities on a pet, fleas cause itchy lesions on the legs or ankles in humans living with the infested pet. Additionally, the agent of sarcoptic scabies in dogs, Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis, can also contaminate humans, resulting in highly itchy papule-crusty lesions.
Similarly, in the case of dermatophytoses, the pathogen cannot be transmitted to another host. The parasite has to be identified because the human sarcoptic scabies, Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominins, is highly contagious between people. Early diagnosis through appropriate complementary examinations, such as skin scraping test, allows fast and effective animal treatment, thus reducing human contamination .
Le principal objectif de l’équipe est de vous recevoir dans les meilleures conditions. Le cabinet vétérinaire est entièrement équipé : laboratoire d’analyses, échographie et d’un bloc chirurgical avec monitoring et anesthésie gazeuse et d’un espace dédié à l’hospitalisation de jour.
Toute l’équipe vétérinaire de Madeleine Vet a à cœur de pouvoir soigner et soulager les douleurs de vos fidèles compagnons. L'ensemble du personnel s’engage dans un devoir d’information et de transparence des actes et porte la volonté de toujours soigner avec humanité.
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