Your pet's nutritional requirements change throughout life and depend on their environment, activity level, and health status. In a nutshell, the nutrition and health of the mother can impact the growth and development of a puppy or kitten while in utero and after birth. As they grow, proper nutrition prevents malnutrition and maintains a healthy weight. Optimal body condition is especially important for adult pets whose nutritional needs vary based on their reproductive status, activity level, and environment. Like humans, an imbalanced diet can negatively affect their health and ageing. As pets age, their metabolism changes, making it increasingly difficult to adapt to nutritional deficiencies or excesses. Therefore, adjusting their food intake is crucial to maintain their health and prevent malnutrition. As pets grow older, their metabolism changes and their ability to handle variations in their diet decreases, even if they are not sick. Adapting their diet to maintain your pets' health and prevent malnutrition is essential.
To ensure the best outcome for both mother and offspring, the female should only be bred with complete prophylaxis when she is an adult and in optimal physical condition. The mother's body will draw from its reserves during gestation and lactation.
The objective is to change nutritional intakes during gestation and lactation to:
The growth curves for each species, breed, and genetic potential are specific, and within just a few months, a puppy or kitten will develop their bones, muscles, and organs from the food they receive. It's scientifically proven that any excess or imbalance in energy, protein, mineral, or vitamin intake can lead to orthopaedic diseases, some of which are irreversible and can affect the animal's welfare in the short, medium, or long term. This is why personalising nutritional intake is essential for optimal growth.
Ensuring your cat or dog maintains a stable and healthy weight through regular physical activity is essential. Nutritional imbalances can sometimes be hard to detect, so it is important to watch for signs like changes in hair and skin quality, stool appearance and quantity, and flatulence. Additionally, changes in family life can also affect your pet. To stay on top of their weight, weighing your pet at home or at your vet clinic every quarter is recommended. This way, you can quickly detect any changes in weight and take action to address them.
Ageing is a gradual and irreversible process, often accompanied by weight changes and muscle loss (sarcopenia). It is best to ensure that nutritional needs are met without overconsumption and limit or delay physical and metabolic changes. Then, it is essential to adjust the animal's diet according to their abilities. The optimal body weight is usually known at that stage: a monthly weighing and muscle mass score assessment is recommended to maintain their ideal nutritional status.
balanced diet, cat, customized feeding, dog, food, individualized nutrition, Nutrition, personalized nutrition, ration, specialist, Veterinary
Le principal objectif de l’équipe est de vous recevoir dans les meilleures conditions. Le cabinet vétérinaire est entièrement équipé : laboratoire d’analyses, échographie et d’un bloc chirurgical avec monitoring et anesthésie gazeuse et d’un espace dédié à l’hospitalisation de jour.
Toute l’équipe vétérinaire de Madeleine Vet a à cœur de pouvoir soigner et soulager les douleurs de vos fidèles compagnons. L'ensemble du personnel s’engage dans un devoir d’information et de transparence des actes et porte la volonté de toujours soigner avec humanité.
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