Presentation of the nutrition consultation

To create together the most suitable food ration for your pet, the nutrition consultation takes place according to the following plan and over a period of approximately 45 minutes for 160 euros, including tax:

Data collection = what you tell me

- Your contact details and those of your veterinarian who is treating your pet,

- Details about your pet, such as breed, gender, age, and complete medical history,

- Information about your pet's current diet, including food types, quantities, method of preparation, and distribution,

- Your thoughts and queries about your pet's current diet,

- Any preferences you may have for your pet's future diet.

Examination of your pet = what I see, evaluate and measure

- The condition of hairs and coat,

- Their current body weight and recent weight change,

- Their oral condition,

- An assessment of the risk of malnutrition based on their clinical situation and current nutrition,

- Establishing their body condition score,

- Establishing the muscle mass score.

Assessment of the nutritional status of the animal = the nutritional balance

I will gather all relevant data and evaluate the clinical examination results. From there, I can recommend a suitable nutritional profile for the diet and a guide on how to feed your pet.

Assessment of the visit and nutritional monitoring

At the end of our consultation, we will provide you with a list of monitoring and control points to assess how the new diet is affecting your pet's condition. Additionally, we will discuss the advice that you should give to your veterinarian for future follow-ups.

Visit report and diet prescription.

We consider your dietary preferences and nutritional requirements to create a personalised meal plan.

This includes details on preparing, transitioning, and distributing the meals. You will receive a report via email within 36 hours of your visit. Your veterinarian will also receive a copy of this report.

For a follow-up consultation that lasts around 30 minutes and is related to the same issue as the previous consultation, the cost is 110 euros, including taxes. This applies if the follow-up consultation occurs 4 to 5 weeks after the previous one and the adjustments made to the diet do not require a complete reformulation (such as changing the type of food or nutritional profile). The follow-up consultation will follow the same structure as the initial consultation, with similar steps taken to those from previous consultations.

Tailored Nutrition for Healthy Animals

Your pet's nutritional requirements vary throughout their life and are influenced by factors by their living conditions and physical activity levels. From the reproductive phase of the mother to the growth phases of puppies and kittens and the activity levels of young and older adults, each stage of life presents an opportunity to optimise their diet for preventative health benefits.

Individualised therapeutic nutrition

When dealing with one or more diseases or syndromes, nutrition can be a powerful tool for support and treatment. This is especially true for conditions like chronic kidney failure and diabetes, as well as for food allergies and weight management. T Adjusting the diet can compensate for changes in appetite and provide the best possible support for the medical situation. The primary goal is to ensure adequate energy intake, and this can be achieved by adjusting the types of foods offered to compensate for changes in appetite. The nutritional profile should also be tailored to the specific medical situation to provide the best support possible. Monitoring the animal's nutritional status is essential to adjust food choices and limit malnutrition. It is recommended to weigh your pet monthly and contact your veterinarian if there are any weight or muscle mass changes or if your pet shows signs of digestive issues. Conducting a nutritional assessment at least twice a year is also strongly recommended.

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Prenez rendez-vous au cabinet vétérinaire Madeleine Vet !

Nous vous accueillons dans le 8ème arrondissement de Paris, tous les jours du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 19h sur rendez-vous exclusivement.

Le principal objectif de l’équipe est de vous recevoir dans les meilleures conditions. Le cabinet vétérinaire est entièrement équipé : laboratoire d’analyses, échographie et d’un bloc chirurgical avec monitoring et anesthésie gazeuse et d’un espace dédié à l’hospitalisation de jour.

Toute l’équipe vétérinaire de Madeleine Vet a à cœur de pouvoir soigner et soulager les douleurs de vos fidèles compagnons. L'ensemble du personnel s’engage dans un devoir d’information et de transparence des actes et porte la volonté de toujours soigner avec humanité.

Une question ? Besoin d'un renseignement ?

Le cabinet vétérinaire Madeleine Vet se situe dans le 8ème arrondissement de Paris au 3 rue Greffulhe. Le Docteur vétérinaire Dominique Théron et son équipe sont heureux de vous accueillir à deux pas du Palais Garnier et du Bd Haussmann, au cœur de Paris.

Contact & localisation

Les métros les plus proches sont Havre-Caumartin et Madeleine. 
Le cabinet vétérinaire Madeleine Vet est spacieux et moderne, au service de la santé et du bien-être de votre animal de compagnie.

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