Glaucoma laser

Cyclophotocoagulation of ciliary bodies in the treatment of glaucoma

This medical procedure involves the partial destruction of certain ciliary structures responsible for producing eye fluid. The goal is to reduce intraocular pressure and reduce the discomfort associated with chronic glaucoma. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia using a laser probe to target the outer portion of the eye. It typically takes between 10 and 20 minutes to complete and does not require the eyeball to be opened.

Medical procedure:

  • Your pet will require hospitalisation for a medical procedure that involves a combination of general and local anaesthesia. The local anaesthesia will be administered through eye drops. A laser fibre will be used to treat the tissues around the edge of the cornea.
  • Any preoperative incidents or difficulties are rare and unpredictable. Pain will be managed through anaesthesia and painkillers. There may be minimal bleeding during the procedure. Post-operative care is simple and involves taking tablets and local care by installing drops and/or applying an ointment. Your veterinarian will provide you with more details about this.
  • It is essential to monitor eye pressure during the follow-up period. You must schedule a consultation with your veterinarian as part of the usual disease follow-up.

Risks related to the procedure

The risks and complications of anaesthesia are similar to those that can occur during any surgery.

The postoperative complications:

  • After the procedure, the treated eye may experience some bleeding or inflammation, but appropriate medical treatment can prevent these issues from becoming severe. It's also possible that postoperative vision may not immediately improve or even worsen for some time (days or weeks). A transient rise in intraocular pressure may be observed, requiring temporary medical treatment. An eye infection may occur.
  • Medical treatment will be implemented to treat this infection.
  • Corneal or eyelid burns are rare but possible.
  • A second laser treatment session may be needed if there is still too much pressure in the eye after the procedure.
  • However, in most cases, the treated eye will experience little to no pain, and any issues can typically be resolved with medical intervention.

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Le principal objectif de l’équipe est de vous recevoir dans les meilleures conditions. Le cabinet vétérinaire est entièrement équipé : laboratoire d’analyses, échographie et d’un bloc chirurgical avec monitoring et anesthésie gazeuse et d’un espace dédié à l’hospitalisation de jour.

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Le cabinet vétérinaire Madeleine Vet se situe dans le 8ème arrondissement de Paris au 3 rue Greffulhe. Le Docteur vétérinaire Dominique Théron et son équipe sont heureux de vous accueillir à deux pas du Palais Garnier et du Bd Haussmann, au cœur de Paris.

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Les métros les plus proches sont Havre-Caumartin et Madeleine. 
Le cabinet vétérinaire Madeleine Vet est spacieux et moderne, au service de la santé et du bien-être de votre animal de compagnie.

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